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Pere Calders (Barcelona 1912-1994) was a postmodern writer influenced by Massimo Bontempelli, Kafka and Pirandello. He combined the fantastic and the irony, the magic realism and the SF in short stories and novels. Calders was exiled in Mexico after the Civil War of Spain. He returned to Catalonia during the sixties. In the end of the seventies, he was converted in one of the most successful contemporary writers. His short stories can be found in 'CrÔniques de la veritat oculta' (Chronicles of the hidden truth), written in 1955; "DemÁ, a les tres de la matinada" (Tomorrow, at 3 a.m.); "InvasiÕ subtil i altres contes" (The subtle invasion and other stories); "Un estrany al meu jardÎ" (A foreign in my garden) or "Tot s'aprofita" (All is used).
* In bulgarian:
1.- 'Potxti nievzmojna liobov: razkazi'* In castilian:
Pere Calders
prevod ot katalonski Maia Guenova
Sofia: Profizdat, 1989.
(Biblioteka Fakel)
1.- 'Todo se aprovecha'* In czech:
Pere Calders
Traducción y prólogo de Basilio Losada
Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1988.
(Narradores de hoy; 12)
1.- 'Pet katalánskych novel'* In english:
prelozil Jan Schejbal.
(Praha): Odeon, 1988
Klub Ctenaru Odeon; 597
(Includes a short story by Pere Calders)
1.-'The Virgin of the railway and other stories'* In german:
Pere Calders
Translated from catalan by Amanda Bath
Warminster: Aris & Phillips, cop. 1991
(Hispanic Classics. Catalan Literature)
Includes 11 short stories by Pere Calders.
1.- 'Und lass als Pfand, mein Lebling, dir das Meer: Katalanisches* In hungarian:
Herausgegeben und aus dem Katalanischen übertragen von Angelika Maass;
Mit einem Nachwort von Àlex Broch.
München: Piper, 1991.
(Includes a short story by Pere Calders)
1.- 'A Gondviselés szeszélye: Mai katalán elbeszélok'* In italian:
XX Sázadi katalán elbeszélôk
Budapest: Íbisz, 1998
(Katalán Könytár; 2)
Includes a short story by Pere Calders.
1.- 'Cronaca del giorno ripetuto'* In japanese:
Pere Calders
A cura di Giuseppe Tavani
L'Aquila: Japadre, 1989
(Poeti e Prosatori Catalani, 2)
Includes 8 short stories by Pere Calders.
1.- 'Barcelona Stories'* In swedish:
Translator: Ko Tazawa
Tokyo: Suiseisha, 1992.
(Includes a short story by Pere Calders).2.- 'Soreyuke Burasshi'
Pere Calders
Drawings by Carme Solé Vendrell
Translator: Mayuri Hayakawa
Tokyo: Holp Shuppan, 1990.
Short story for kids
1.- 'Noveller'
Pere Calders
Oversattning fran katalanskan av Miquel Ibáñez
Malmo: Interculture, cop. 1989
Includes 20 short stories