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Causo, Roberto de Sousa   English to Portuguese, English to Spanish roberto.causo@dks.com.br
I can translate from English and Spanish to Portuguese. If you care for the Brazilian and Portuguese markets, I can also help you to find a place for your fiction. I would not charge anything for my translation work, save a small percentage of the payment, if the story get published.

Curtis, Sheryl French to English sheryl.curtis@sympatico.ca

McElhearn, Kirk French to English, English to French kirk@mcelhearn.com
Kirk McElhearn French to English Literary translator specialized in science fiction.
For more information, see my literary translation resume.
Kirk McElhearn | 91 rue de la Mesangerie | 37540 St Cyr sur Loire | France

Novikov, Andrei     English to Russian, Russian to English novanal@junik.lv

SF Babel     English, French, Portuguese sfbabel@wegrokit.com

Smushkovich, Daniel English to Russian smushkovich@riga.mail.telia.lv

Stableford, Brian French to English bstableford@cix.compulink.co.uk

Trudel, Jean-Louis French to English, English to French jltrudel@ncf.ca

Kobayashi, Yoshio English to Japanese yoshio-k@246.ne.jp

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Webmaster: Sergej Tarasov
Mail your questions to: Andrei Novikov