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de Pedrolo, Manuel - Spain (Catalan)

       Manuel de Pedrolo (l'AranyÕ, 1918-Barcelona, 1990) is the most popular SF writer of Catalonia. His best sold work is "Mecanoscrit del segon origen" (Second origin typescript), a youthful novel about a devastated world after an alien invasion. Pedrolo, an engaged artist, also wrote avantgarde works, hardboiled and erotic books. His book "Trajecte Final" (Final Way), written in 1978, contains seven SF stories. He also wrote in 1981 'Successimultani', a novel about the problems of timetravel.

* In basque:

1.- 'Bigarren jatorriko makinizkribua'
Manuel de Pedrolo
itzultzailea: Jokin Lasa
Donostia; Baiona: Elkar, DL 1989.
(Argitaratukako Azken Liburuak. Zientzi Fikzioa; 84)
* In castilian:
1.- 'Mecanoscrito del segundo origen'
Manuel de Pedrolo
Traducción: Domingo Santos
Barcelona: Pirene, 1991.
(Garona; 1)
* In czech:
1.- 'Pet katalánskych novel'
prelozil Jan Schejbal.
(Praha): Odeon, 1988
Klub Ctenaru Odeon; 597
(Includes a short story by Manuel de Pedrolo).
* In english:
1.- 'Touched by fire'
A bilingual edition of Manuel de Pedrolo's Tocats pel foc
Translated by Peter Griffin
New York: Peter Lang, 1993.
(Catalan studies; 10)
* In french:
1.- 'Le Deuxième matin du monde'
Manuel de Pedrolo
Traduit du catalan par Marie-José Lamorlette
Illustrations: Hervé Blondon.
París: Hachette Jeunesse, 1993.
(Le Livre de poche. Jeunesse; 398)
* In galician:
1.- 'Mecanoscrito da segunda orixe'
Manuel de Pedrolo
Traductor: Ma. Victoria Moreno.
Vigo: Galaxia, 1993.
(Árbore; 7)
* In german:
1.- 'Und lass als Pfand, mein Lebling, dir das Meer: Katalanisches
Herausgegeben und aus dem Katalanischen übertragen von Angelika Maass;
Mit einem Nachwort von Àlex Broch.
München: Piper, 1991.
(Includes a short story by Manuel de Pedrolo)
* In hungarian:
1.- 'A Gondviselés szeszélye: Mai katalán elbeszélok'
XX Sázadi katalán elbeszélôk
Budapest: Íbisz, 1998
(Katalán Könytár; 2)
Includes a short story by Manuel de Pedrolo.
* In japanese:
1.- 'Barcelona Stories'
Translator: Ko Tazawa
Tokyo: Suiseisha, 1992.
(Includes a short story by Manuel de Pedrolo).

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