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       (These are the rules of the year 1997. Every year they are the same. Only changes the year of the closing date.)

  1. Translation subsidies are available to foreign publishing companies that program the publication of the translation of literary works, written in Catalan language, to the language of their respective area.

  2. Applications should contain the following data:

    1. Name, address and telephone of the person signing the application;
    2. Total cost of the translation;
    3. Extension of the translation expressed in pages of 1.800 key strokes/page;
    4. Cost per translated page and total amount requested;
    5. Bank data of the publishing company;
    6. Printing run of the first edition;
    7. Date of publication;
    8. In case of co-edition, the name of the co-publisher;
    9. Name of the translator;
    10. Edition from which the translation will done.
  3. Applications should be accompanied by these documents:

    1. Photocopy of an identification card or other identifying document of the person signing the application;

    2. Documents proving that the person signing the application is a legal representative of the respective company;

    3. Copy of the publishing contract with the copyright owner;

    4. Copy of the contract with the translator;

    5. C.V. of the translator;

    6. General Catalogue of the applicant publishing house or catalogue of the collection in which the book is to be published;

    7. Commitment to mention the Cupertino of the InstituciÕ de les Lletres Catalanes on the credits page of the subsidised book;

    8. Commitment to include the legend "Translation from the catalan byÅ (translator's name)" on the title page of the subsidised book;

    9. Commitment to submit to the InstituciÕ de les Lletres Catalanes the press dossier;

    10. Declaration stating whether any other grant for translation or publication of the work has been requested or received;

  4. Applications should be addressed to the Director of InstituciÕ de les Lletres Catalanes (at Portal de Santa Madrona 6-8, 08001 Barcelona) or to any office of the territorial services of Department of Culture of the diplomatic representations or consulates of Spain abroad, before April 30, 1997.

  5. In special cases, owing the length of the work, its complexity or its interest, the InstituciÕ de les Lletres catalanes may establish a continued collaboration by signing an agreement stating the grants of the InstituciÕ and the commitments of the publisher for a maximum period of 3 years.

  6. In case the publishing house obtained a grant from other public or private institutions for the same purpose, the amount of the subsidy of the InstituciÕ de les Lletres Catalanes shall be destined to the promotion of the book concerned. Thus, the publishing house will be required to state in writing its commitment to alternatively apply the amount initially granted for the translation, to the promotion and marketing of the book, in accordance with the InstituciÕ de les Lletres Catalanes.

  7. The amount granted will be the equivalent sum in the corresponding currency at the official exchange rate on the date of granting. The granting of aid will be notified in writing to the applicant.

  8. The publishing house shall be requested to give its approval to the amount granted and written ratification for publication of the book in accordance with the conditions and periods agreed. Once the publisher's answer received, the InstituciÕ de les Lletres Catalanes will order the payment of 30% of the amount granted.

  9. The remaining 70% will be paid on reception of 10 copies of the published work. These copies must be delivered before October 31, 1998.

  10. Should the publisher fail to perform its engagement and the book is not published within the period agree, then the subsidy shall be revoked and return of the advance payment required by the InstituciÕ de les Lletres Catalanes.

       For further information you can write to the InstituciÕ de les Lletres Catalanes (Portal de Santa Madrona 6-8. 08001- Barcelona. Catalonia (Europe). Phone: 93 316 27 80, Fax: 93 316 27 81, E-mail: ilc@correu.gencat.es


       The InstituciÕ de les Lletres Catalanes (ILC), abolished at the end of the Spanish Civil War, and refounded in 1988, is an autonomous institute, under the auspices of the Departament of Culture of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia. The ILC is responsible for the promotion and diffusion of Catalan literature in Catalonia and abroad.

       Since 1988 it is part of the ILC's activities to provide grants for the translation and the promotion of Catalan literature all over the world. Between 1988 and 1988, the ILC has awarded grants for the translation of 174 Catalan books into German, English, Bulgarian, Castilian, Danish, Finnish, French, Italian Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Hungarian, Japanese, Rumanian, Serbocroatian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Portuguese, etc.

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